- Wow! I’ve heard so much about this and have been wondering when you’d have me do it. My friend said the Tower helped her so much!
- I don't feel anything. How is this helping me? Why do I have to lie here so long?
The Supine Groin Progressive is the most common E-cise that the Egoscue Tower is used for and Pete Egoscue in his book Pain Free describes that:
"This E-cise is designed to allow flexion and extension of the leg, rather than rotation through adduction and abduction (side-to-side movement).”
"Keep in mind that the body is a unit and that the body is linked functionally from head to toe. The anterior tilt of the pelvis is caused by the strong, tight hip flexor muscles and puts excessive arching into the low back. The more a person walks with the tight hip flexors, the more they pull down on the spine and exacerbate the problem. To relieve the tension on the spine, the upper back rounds – taking the shoulders forward – and the head tilts downward. To relieve the tension in the hips, the femurs externally rotate, taking the knees and feet outward. This is a formula for pain up and down the body."
(BTW just because I’m talking about knee pain here, that doesn’t mean that’s the only thing the Tower addresses. The Tower will help with: low back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, sprained ankle, degenerative knee pain, degenerative hip pain, degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, spondylosis, herniated discs, carpal tunnel, plantar fasciitis, and many other problems. I’ll outline how the Tower effects some of these in future posts – stay tuned.)
Watch this video to learn how to do the Tower:
If you are in chronic pain and have tried everything, but not the Tower, it is worth a try. This is the one e-cise that is easy to do and will make a huge impact on your posture and pain. Set up a free posture evaluation with me at Oregon Exercise Therapy and I'll walk you through how to do the Tower. I'll explain what is going on in your body and why the Tower will help you.
You can purchase the Tower and other products recommended by me and Oregon Exercise Therapy here.