- improved muscle tone and bone density
- improved self esteem and confidence
- learning to work as a team for a greater goal
- learning to help and accept help from others
- decreased depression and anxiety
- and many more!
Playing on a sports team has many benefits for your body and mind and this is regardless of your age (yes adults can benefit greatly as well as kids). Some benefits of playing sports on a team include:
Walking has so many health benefits and no you don't need to walk 10,000 steps a day to see these benefits. Even modest increases in the number of steps you take a day can lead to many wonderful benefits. Learn how and why walking is so powerful and how neighborhoods and cities can be designed to help people get more steps.
Key takeaway: 1 minute of exercises buys you 5 minutes of extra life! Learn more: Related to my last couple blog posts about bone density and how to build and maintain bone density with jumping and heavy weightlifting, below is a video where Dr. Peter Attia interviews the head researcher of the LiftMOR study Belinda Beck, Ph.D. about the study and how to apply the principles to your life. Some key topics they discuss are:
I've talked about how important bone density and bone quality are throughout our lives and how you can build and maintain bone health with heel drops and drop jumps. Another great way to build bone health is with heavy weight lifting. "Heavy" is the key word. For bone mineral density and bone quality to increase, you need to lift heavy weights. In my previous article about building bone healthy with jumping, I talked the higher the G forces produced, the more positive the bone adaptations will be. The same goes for strength training or weight lifting - the heavier the weight/higher the force, the more positive changes we will see in bones.
Bone density and bone quality are essential to a long healthy life. Lowered bone density and bone quality increase risk of fractures and negatively impact quality of life. Bone is living tissue that is constantly getting broken down and rebuilt. If we are breaking down bone faster than we are rebuilding it, we end up losing bone density and quality and can end up with osteopenia or osteoporosis. During childhood, bone density and quality are built naturally through physical activity or exercise. What types of physical exercise? Exercise or activity that creates high G-forces, specifically forces over 4 Gs.
Back pain and especially lower back pain is one of the most common problems people deal with. Over 620 million people deal with back pain every year worldwide and back pain causes people in the United States to lose over 83 million work days a year. Back pain costs billions in health care every year with lower back pain costing over $50 billion a year. Back pain can be very debilitating and the most common treatments people use are over the counter pain killers, rest, heat, massage, physical therapy, injections, muscle relaxants, acupuncture, antidepressants, and surgery. Most of these only treat the symptom of back pain and do not fix the underlying cause of back pain.
If you have neck pain, you might have been diagnosed with any of the following:
It's important to remember that the diagnosis doesn't tell us what caused the problem or how to fix it. Let me explain...
Lets say you have neck pain and were diagnosed with a herniated disc. That's great information to have, but it doesn't tell you what caused the herniated disc. You can treat the herniated disc, but if you don't find and fix the underlying cause of the herniation you're just kicking the bucket down the road. Plantar Fasciitis and Plantar Fasciosis are two commonly diagnosed foot issues in people who have foot and heel pain. Plantar fasciitis means inflammation of the fascia of the bottom of the foot. Plantar fasciosis means degeneration of the fascia of the bottom of the foot. Fascia is a connective tissue that permeates the entire body including muscles, bones, nerves, and organs and helps provide structure and support to the tissues of the body. The plantar fascia is the connective tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot from the heel to the toes. The plantar fascia or plantar aponeurosis is a thick and strong band of connective tissue that helps support the arch of the foot both allowing normal pronation and supporting normal supination during gait and other movements. When the foot is pointed straight ahead and moving as designed, the plantar fascia will be pain free and healthy. However, when the foot isn't aligned correctly and/or the foot isn't moving optimally, these dysfunctional movement patterns can create stress, pain, and damage to the plantar fascia.
Joint replacement surgeries are growing in number every year with the most common surgeries being total knee replacement followed by total hip replacement. Surgeons will also perform shoulder joint replacement, elbow joint replacement, wrist joint replacement, and ankle joint replacement. When a joint, that most likely has osteoarthritis along with joint space narrowing and osteophytosis, is replaced in surgery, the joint might be new but reason why the joint became arthritic is not addressed. Joint replacement surgery treats the symptom of joint damage but not the underlying reason for the joint damage. Osteoarthritis, joint space narrowing, osteophytosis, swelling, stiffness, and pain are all symptoms of a joint that is not aligned and moving as it was designed. Every joint in your body from your ankle to knee to hip to spine to shoulder to elbow to wrist etc is designed to align and move in a certain way. When the bones that form a joint are aligned as they are designed and can maintain that alignment as they move, the joint will stay healthy and maintain smooth cartilage and pain free movement. However, when the bones that form a joint are not aligned correctly, they will not be able to move correctly, and this misalignment will cause wear and tear of the joint surfaces over time which can lead to osteoarthritis and pain. Posture alignment therapy is effective at helping you realign your bones and joints to decrease the wear and tear and pain you experience. Whether you are considering a joint replacement or have already had a joint replacement, posture alignment therapy is a must if you want to function and feel your best. Contact me for a free posture evaluation on Zoom today.
About Matt WhiteheadI'm an Egoscue Institute® certified Postural Alignment Specialist (PAS) and Advanced Exercise Therapist (AET), certified personal trainer, PatchFitness performer, ultra trail runner, mountain biker, dad, music lover, environmentalist, and wanna-be slam dunk champion. I will be providing you with the latest posture exercises to help you live, play, and be pain free. Archives
January 2025