Walking is great for kids as it boosts mood, reduces stress, improves creativity, decreases restlessness in class, improves attention, and increases retention of material. Nine out of ten teachers report that students are much more ready to learn when they've walked to school. Walking also provides much needed physical activity for kids who typically are spending more and more time with electronics and less and less time outside playing and getting exercise.
National Walk to School Day is a great way to learn how easy and fun it is to walk to school and will hopefully encourage a larger number of kids and parents to walk to school year round. If walking to school on a regular basis isn't an option, go for a family walk before or after dinner. It will not only help give everyone in the family much needed physical activity but also is a great time to talk and hang out as a family - just make sure to leave the cell phones at home!
Interesting facts about walking:
- Most healthy adults naturally select a walking pace of approximately 2.8 miles per hour
- Fat is the primary fuel source for speeds up to about 2.8mph
- 2.8 mph is the most efficient walking speed for the average adult
- Heart rate while walking often closely matches steps per minute
- Walking speed in people over 65 years old is a powerful predictor of life expectancy
- Your joints experience the same load whether you walk or run the same distance