- spend more time on your left (more stable) leg then the right leg during the stance phase of gait
- get less hip flexion and extension of your right hip than your left hip
- rotate your left shoulder forward to help with right hip flexion
- collapse your right knee inward during the stance phase of gait because of instability of the hip
- over-pronate your right foot and ankle during stance phase
- lean your torso to the right during right leg stance phase
These changes in gait can cause stress, strain, compression, and shear on muscles, joints, bones, and other tissues up and down your entire body leading to injury and pain. You could end up with a stress fracture in your left foot, plantar fasciitis in your right foot, meniscus tear in your right knee, lower back pain, degenerative disc disease in your lumbar spine, shoulder or neck tightness, or many other problems.
Hip imbalances will lead to problems whether you are running, or playing golf, tennis, soccer, or baseball, or gardening or vacuuming, or sitting at your desk at work, or driving your car.
This video talks about hip misalignment and demonstrates posture exercises that are designed to help correct hip alignment. These exercises are obviously generic and won't work for everyone. If you want personalized help and posture exercises for your specific imbalances and symptoms, contact me today.